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Cardax launches clinical trial for anti-inflammatory ZanthoSyn

Physicians overwhelmingly agree that the key for health and longevity is controlling inflammation. Recent highly rigorous and compelling medical research by pharma giants Novartis (CANTOS study) and Amarin (REDUCE-IT study) hammers this point home.

Steven Nissen, MD, the Cleveland Clinic Cardiovascular Medicine Chair, and one of the leading cardiologists in the world, has said that the pharmaceutical industry and in-research institutions like the National Institutes of Health must find better anti-inflammatory therapies.

Today, existing anti-inflammatories have dangerous side effects, along with cost, administration, and supply problems. Cardax CEO David Watumull has pioneered a new approach that is based on a naturally occurring marine compound that provides anti-inflammatory benefits with exceptional safety — and without the harmful side effects of many anti-inflammatory products. A clinical trial is underway for Cardax’s new anti-inflammatory supplement, ZanthoSyn®.

"This study is an important example of our commitment to the science underlying our products," said David G. Watumull, Cardax President and CEO, "and if the results are positive, its well-controlled, scientifically credible design should provide a strong foundation for our future growth."

For the past few months, ZingPR’s Shirley Gines has been applying her expertise and connections in the biosciences sector to introduce top-tier journalists to Mr. Watamull. The campaign is off to a great start, with local media coverage that has already paved the way to interviews with national reporters. More to come!